Contact Number : +91-6292007045
Tribeni Kumbho Parichalona Samity is a Non-Profit organization (Reg. No. 190400255/2022) to help revive the Heritage of Tribeni in the Bansbaria Pouro Sabha (Municipality) in the Hooghly district West Bengal.
Dharma is a Sanskrit term that literally means ‘that which holds together’ or ‘sustains the natural order of things.’ It refers to the universal principles, laws, duties, and righteousness, bringing peace, harmony, and progress. Based on Dharma's understanding, one can define his or her ‘religion ‘ or ‘swadharma’ or personal path as one of the innumerable possible ones toward individual material and spiritual aspirations.
The motto of Tribeni Kumbho Parichalona Samity is To create a community where the principles of dharma are deeply ingrained, and individuals live in harmony with themselves, others, and the environment. We aim to revive the values of integrity, compassion, self-discipline, and service, and foster a culture of respect, inclusivity, and kindness. Through our programs and initiatives, we strive to empower individuals to lead meaningful and purposeful lives, and contribute towards the betterment of society as a whole.